
In the late 1980s/early 1990s, some local computer nerds established computer bulletin board systems (BBSes) using dedicated telephone lines and computer servers. (IYKYK reference: 1200 and 2400 baud). Our monthly meetings died out when a local ISP named HiLine Internet Services started hosting computer meetings at their headquarters off of Nolana Loop in McAllen. When those meetings were cancelled after it was sold, some of the original VCATS members got together and started hosting monthly computer meetings at Trevino's Mexican Restaurant in Edinburg, TX in the early 2000s. These meetings too have since been relegated to our memories since most members have moved out of the area, however with the Internet truly establishing a global community, we would like to resurrect the spirit of our group and display our likes/interests from the glory days as well as our current projects and volunteer activities.

Below is a link to an archived copy of original VCATS main page that was originally hosted and maintained by Alton Moore.
